The M1 ECU allows different levels of access for different users e.g. engine tuner, chassis tuner, data engineer, and scrutineer. Each user can have a separate login to restrict access to particular areas of tuning and data logging.
The M1’s advanced security system is based on public-key cryptography, the cornerstone of secure internet transactions, so it is virtually impossible to change the ECU function without authorised permission. Security is enforced by the ECU and protected by a microprocessor with integrated measures to prevent tampering.
The M1 series ECUs come with three configuration options.
Locked Configuration:
A locked configuration is appropriate when an ECU contains specific firmware to suit the application. The user can tune the engine in the normal way but the ECU cannot be re-configured for another application.
Standard Configuration:
The standard configuration allows the user to load a selection of firmware packages available from MoTeC. They incorporate different levels of functionality and the user can choose one to suit their requirements. Additional packages can be loaded into the ECU as and when requirements change.
Open Configuration:
The open configuration provides a fully flexible ECU solution that can be precisely tailored to individual requirements. Third party developers can be trained to use MoTeC M1 Build software to develop their own control strategies.
Intellectual property is protected by the M1 ECU’s security system and remains with the ECU owner.